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Past Events


L&M General Assembly

On the 10th of November, right after the colloquium, L&M Members met for the general assembly in order to review the past year and plan for interdisciplinary work in the future. Afterwards, there was an interdisciplinary apéro.


Interdisciplinary Research Colloquium L&M HS23

Interdisciplinary Research Colloquium L&M HS 2023


L&M Young Talent Event

L&M Young Talent Event with guest speaker Prof. Andreas Guggisberg


Interdisciplinary Research Colloquium L&M FS23

Interdisciplinary Research Colloquium L&M FS 2023 with guest speaker Prof. Nathan Weisz




Interdisciplinary Research Colloquium L&M

Interdisciplinary Research Colloquium L&M HS 2022


L&M General Assembly

On the 8th of December, starting at 16.00 all L&M Members met in room RAA-G-01 for the general assembly in order to review the past year and plan for interdisciplinary work in the future. Afterwards, there was an interdisciplinary apéro.


L&M Market 

The event took place on the 20th of June in the «Hauptgebäude» at Rämistrasse 71, 8006 Zürich from 12.00 until about 14.30. It started at 12.00 with a lecture by Neurosurgeon Prof. Hugues Duffau (KOL-H-317). Afterwards, at the L&M Market & Lunch (13.00 – 14.30, «Lichthof») there were many interesting presentations, posters, applications and possibilities to discuss at a variety of topics with researchers and clinicians from the L&M network. You can find more information here


The posters that were presented at the L&M Market have been collected here.


L&M Market

Neurosurgeon Hugues Duffau as guest at UZH

On 20.06.2022, the renowned neurosurgeon Hugues Duffau (CHU Montpellier) gave a lecture as a guest of the Competence Centre on the topic «Towards a meta-networking theory of brain functions: a reappraisal of the neural foundations of conation, language, cognition and behaviour». The lecture took place on 20.06.2022 at 12.00 - 13.00 at Rämistrasse 71, 8006 Zürich in room KOL-H-317.


If you couldn't participate in person, or you would like to rewatch the lecture, you can find the recording following this link.


Interdisciplinary Research Colloquium L&M

Interdisciplinary Research Colloquium L&M FS 2022


Inaugural Lecture by Sophie Witt

L&M Member Sophie Witts inaugural lecture was held on Monday, the 4th of April 2022. The title of the presentation was: «Erschöpft, verausgabt, (un-)vernetzt? «Störungen» der Gegenwartsliteratur»


For more information about the event - including the possibility to rewatch the talk on the vimeo-link -  please visit the official website.


Inaugural lecture by Nathalie Giroud

L&M Co-Director Nathalie Girouds inaugural lecture was held on Monday, the 7th of March 2022. The title of the presentation was: «Ich verstehe dich nicht. Bin ich schwerhörig oder schwer von Begriff? Zwischen gesunden und pathologischen Hirnveränderungen im Alter.»


For more information about the event - including the possibility to rewatch the talk on the vimeo-link -  please visit the official website


Kick-Off Event

The new competence centre LMZ presented its vision and activities to the university and to the public.

Time: December 14th, 16.00 - 18.15

Place: Online via Zoom

More information: Link


Language&Medicine Zurich


Workshop Embodiment & Critical Humanities

Online-Workshop: Embodiment & Critical Medical Humanities

Organisation: Céline Kaiser and Sophie Witt together with Cornelius Borck and Christina Schües




Drüber reden! Aber wie?

Discussion rounds about mental illness. Date: August 19th, 17:00 -19:00

More information and registration: Link.

Organisation: Yvonne Ilg, Anke Maatz and Henrike Wiemer in cooperation with the Alte Anatomie.


UZH - Soziologisches Institut - Podcast-Ringvorlesung der Kommission UZH  Interdisziplinär (UZH-i)


Sprachliche Diskurse und (gesundheitliche) Krisen: Makro-, Meso- und Mikroperspektive auf sprachliches Handeln

Beitrag zur Podcast-Ringvorlesung Covid-19: Universitäre Verantwortung in Zeiten globaler Verwerfungen.

Link zur Aufzeichnung


¿Cómo afecta la pandemia a la sociedad latinoamericana? Panel discussion with Nicole Bidegain (CEPAL), Sofia Sabatini (UZH) and Fernando Iwasaki (Universidad Loyola). Moderators: Johannes Kabatek (UZH), Adriana López Labourdette (UZH) and Elena Rosauro (UZH).


Interdisziplinäres Gespräch über Demenz und Sprache, as part of the exhibition Wild Card 10*: sich erinnern, Strauhof, Zürich, with Heiko Hausendorfand others.



European Cultures of Palliative Care, International Workshop, Villa Hatt, ETH. organisation: Anna Magdalena Elsner

Quelle place pour les proches dans le soin, International Conference, University of Lausanne. organisation: Anna Magdalena Elsnerwith Nadja Eggert, Ralph Jox, Lazare Benaroyo, Roberto Andorno)




Krankheits- und Gesundheitsnarrative in der Forschung - ein interdisziplinärer Workshop. Zurich. organisation: Martina Hodel, Yvonne Ilg, Anke Maatz, funding: Graduate Campus

'Sterben Live' a five-part series on contemporary documentaries about dying, Collegium Helveticum, ETH/University of Zurich. organisation: Anna Magdalena Elsnerwith Nina Streeck and Tobias Eichinger