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Silvia Brem

Silvia Brem, Prof. Dr.

  • Developmental Neuroimaging Group Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy University Hospital for Psychiatry Zurich

The current research interests include the examination of brain networks and their development in children and adolescents suffering from neurodevelopmental and/ or child-psychiatric disorders using non-invasive, child-friendly neuroimaging techniques such as electroencephalography (EEG), functional (fMRI) and structural (sMRI) magnetic resonance imaging or combined EEG-fMRI (sequential or simultaneous). We are particularly interested in comparing typically developing children to children with reading and/or language impairments aiming to i) clarify and delineate dysfunction of specific cognitive brain networks; ii) characterize trajectories for typical and atypical functional and structural brain development; iii) identify neuroimaging and behavioural measures suited to advance prediction or diagnosis; iv) evaluate and track learning-related changes in the brain during specific interventions,  v) advance the combination of child-friendly neuroimaging techniques and analyses. Finally we are developping and evaluating training programs (e.g. apps, neurofeedback etc.) for children with reading impairments.

More information on our current research projects can be found on